Lose weight, balance insulin levels, and more with resistant
starch, found in many gluten-free foods | by Lisa Turner
When you hear the word “starch,” what comes to
mind? Most likely,
you’re thinking “blood sugar spikes,” “empty calories,” or even “gluten.”
Resistant starch (RS), however, can’t be digested. Found in many
foods such as potatoes, legumes, cashews, raw oats, and green
resistant starch passes through the stomach and small intestine
largely undigested,
moving into the colon where it “feeds” healthy gut bacteria.
Most starch is broken
down by digestive enzymes and absorbed as glucose. But RS is the
Resistant starch has other important functions in the gut. When
benefi cial
bacteria feed on it, several byproducts are formed, most notably
butyrate, a shortchain
fatty acid that protects against colon cancer by inhibiting DNA
and blocking tumor growth. Butyrate also provides energy for the
rapidly and
constantly growing cells lining the colon—without it, colon
cells can die. Additionally,
RS reduces acidity in the colon, preventing infl ammation and
potentially protecting
against colon cancer.
Resistant starch is also extremely eff ective at improving
insulin sensitivity and
reducing blood glucose levels; some studies show resistant
starch can prevent blood
sugar spikes for several hours, even after a second meal. In one
study, people who
consumed 15–30 grams of resistant starch per day showed a 33–50
percent improvement
in insulin sensitivity after four weeks.
Other benefi ts of resistant starch:
> Better absorption of minerals, including
calcium and magnesium, and enhanced
production of biotin, folic acid, and vitamin K in the gut.
> Reduced absorption of toxins and potential
carcinogens in the intestines.
> Lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride
> Increased feelings of satiety, enhanced weight
loss, and a reduction in the number
of calories consumed.
of RS
There are four diff erent kinds of RS:
> Type 1. Grains,
seeds, nuts, beans, and
lentils contain starch that’s bound
within the cell walls of the plant. It’s
inaccessible to the body and “resists”
digestion. Note: Wheat is a source of RS,
so avoid if following a gluten-free diet.
> Type 2. A form
of RS found in green
bananas, raw potatoes, and plantains—
not always a practical source for daily
consumption. Cooking these foods converts
the RS to regular starch, removing
the benefi ts.
Most experts suggest getting
15–20 grams of RS per
day. You can easily add more
RS to your diet with a few simple tips:
1. Eat cold beans. Cooking and then
cooling beans enhances the RS content.
Add them to salads, or toss into stir-fry
dishes and gently warm.
2. Avoid ripe bananas. Under-ripe
versions have a higher RS content. Skip
the soft ones with brown splotches, and
choose fi rm, pale yellow ones with some
green at the tips and ends. Eat them as is,
or add to smoothies.
3. Add potato starch to
Raw potato starch (not potato fl our) is
an easy way to boost daily RS intake. It
contains 8 grams of resistant starch per
tablespoon. Add it to smoothies, or mix a
tablespoon in a glass of water.
4. Chill your taters. Chilling increases
the amount of RS. Toss cooked and
cooled potatoes with olive oil and basil;
add cubes to soups just before serving; or
make potato salad (see recipe link below).
5. Eat sushi. The RS in rice also develops
after it’s cooked and then cooled. Spread
cooked rice on a sheet of nori, then layer
on avocado, carrot strips, bean sprouts,
and cucumbers. Cook your sushi rice with
vinegar, which helps the RS conversion.
> Type 3. This
type is created when Type
1 or Type 2 foods are cooked and then
cooled. The process of cooling converts
some of the digestible starches back
into resistant starches. So a boiled, then
chilled, potato will have more resistant
starch than a hot baked potato. The
same goes for beans—cooked and then
cooled, they’re higher in resistant starch.
> Type 4. These
are synthetic, commercially
manufactured resistant starches
(for example, hi-maize resistant starch)
that don’t occur naturally.
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